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Claudia Secoban
Akashic Records Reader in St. Petersburg, FL
Reiki Grand Master Teacher / Positive Psychology Coach

Your Soul Mission.
Your Soul Specialisation.
Your Life Lessons.
Your Past Lifetimes.
Past Lives Relationships.
What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic records are a repository of information that contains the collective knowledge, experiences, and memories of every soul that has ever lived. This information is stored in the etheric realm and can be accessed through meditation and intention.
Akashic record readings can provide individuals with a deeper understanding of their soul's purpose and journey, helping them gain insights into past lives, their present circumstances, and their future path. By accessing the records, individuals can also gain a clearer understanding of their unique strengths, challenges, and talents, and receive guidance on how to navigate the journey of their soul.
As a talented Akashic Records reader with over 700 readings, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to residents of St. Petersburg, FL. My gift for accessing the Akashic Records and my extensive training in the field sets me apart from others and allows me to provide deep, transformative readings to those seeking guidance and insight.
My gift requires dedication and practice to hone and refine. My training in the field has equipped me with the knowledge and skills to interpret the information I receive during a reading, providing my clients a powerful report detailing all the insights and guidance from your Akashic Records.
Read more about me.

Who am I?

What information will be revealed in the PDF report of your Akashic record reading?
​* Your Soul group of origination (Planetary System) - The soul group of origination is one of the cornerstones of a soul profile, because it determines how you see and perceive the world around you, how you approach all areas of your life, and how you manifest in the physical world.
* Your Archangelic Realm of training –your purpose on Earth
* Your primary and secondary lessons and what percentage of them did you achieve – you’ll understand why you attract repetitive patterns in your life
* Your Soul Training – your soul specialization, it is about the spiritual wisdom that you carry deep in your soul
* Your Soul’s Special Gifts - It is about the gift of your soul that flows naturally, powerfully and without effort.
* Vows
* The number of lifetimes on Earth incarnation
* The periods in history that you’ve incarnated
* The spiritual traditions/religions that you have participated in
* Your roles you’ve repeatedly played in your past lives.
* Your intuitive gifts
* Secondary Godspark - Some souls are gifted with a secondary Godspark in order to fulfill their soul’s purpose
it works?